Greasy spots on your face can ruin your appearance. In order to feel confident and preserve the flawless condition of your complexion it is wise to experiment with these 6 natural tips to get rid of oily skin below. Blackheads and pimples won't be a problem anymore if you complement your skin care regime with a few additional rituals. Prepare revitalizing and cleansing facials which load your skin cells with antioxidants and vitamins

Salt Spray
Grab a medium-sized bottle and pour a tiny amount of salt in it. Then add a tiny amount of water to create the perfect mixture to banish your oily complexion. Make sure the salt is dissolved and spray a tiny amount of this lotion on the affected areas. Use a paper towel to dry your skin and enjoy the soft texture of your complexion without any greasy spots. Repeat this ritual at least once a day for dazzling results.

Cucumber and Lime Juice
Create the secret recipe to get rid of oily skin in a flash. Mix 1tsp of cucumber juice with lime juice and use a cotton ball to apply it on the greasy sections at least 30 minutes before taking a bath.  This is one of the expert tricks you can also use during your revitalizing beauty sesh. Let your pores absorb this treatment and provide your skin cells with the necessary antioxidant dose.

Green Clay and Honey
Are you ready to kiss goodbye to your oily complexion? In a medium bowl mix 1tsp of green clay powder with 1tsp of honey. After you've obtained the right mixture all you have to do is apply it on the affected sections. Leave the facial on for 15 minutes then wash it off with tepid water. Repeat this treatment at least twice a week to make sure you do everything to prevent the formation of acne and blackheads.

Cold Water
The simplest solution to get rid of oily skin is icy water. Keep a bowl of water in your fridge to have it at hand. This beauty maneuver will help you keep your complexion in top condition especially during a party event or when preparing for a special date. Spray a tiny amount of ice cold water on your face at least 3-4 per day before leaving your home. The treatment will do magic with the sebum production of your skin and will close your pores immediately.

Rosewater and Red Sandalwood
Women in India use these two ingredients to preserve their spotless skin condition. Cleanse your pores from toxins and excessive sebum with a natural facial. Mix 2tbs of sandalwood powder with a tiny amount of rosewater in order to prepare a fine paste. Wash your face with pure water first then apply the facial on the affected spots. Leave the treatment on for 15-20 minutes and finish up your beauty ritual by rinsing off the mask with lukewarm water.

Tomato Puree
Create a fine tomato puree and apply it on your face. According to skin specialists this veggie has the power to dry out oil glands without creating a dehydrated and flaky effect to your skin. Apply the treatment on the affected sections and leave it on for 5-7 minutes. Finally wash the puree off with tepid water. Soon you'll notice the positive impact of this facial on your complexion.




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