
It's not polite to stare, but these folks got caught red-handed.

Hello, Dolly!

Sophia Loren eyes Jayne Mansfield's very revealing dress. 

Hilary Clinton checking out Christina Aguilera's plunging neckline or is it her spray tan?

Portia de Rossi and Ellen Degeneres are in awe over Katy Perry's bust line.

Bradley Cooper sneaks a peak at Jennifer Lawrence.

David and Victoria Beckham enjoying the entertainment at a basketball game.

David Beckham checking out the scantly clad floor show.

Oh, baby! Bruce Willis gets an up-close and personal look at Hallee Berry's 'girls'.

Kayne West not so subtly admiring Kim Kardashian's cleavage.

Woody Allen caught ogling both Scarlett Johannson and Rachel McAdams assets.

An admirer appreciating starlet Scarlett Johansson's bosoms busting at the seams.

Lea Michelle and Ashton Kutcher invading each other's personal space.

Kirk Douglas star gazing at daughter-in-law Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Wow, Selena. What big eyes you have. 
Justin Bieber with Selena Gomez.

Actor George Clooney likes what he sees while kissing Stacy Keebler's hand.

Busted! Look who got caught trying to grope curvy Selma Hayek. Film maker Oliver Stone.




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